We had planned a trip to Sunderbans but the planning was like groping in the dark with very little useful information on the web due to the apathy of the WestBengal Government to Tourism . Some of the information I collected, i will piece together for this web page. Hope it helps somebody someday.
What is SunderBans : Sunderbans is one of the largest mangroves in the world and is an unique habitat for the largest number of wild tigers in the world, The Royal Bengal tiger.The only mangrove species, the tiger here has adapted well to its habitat. The mangrove houses 50 categories of mangroves of the 60 available in India.
Visitor access to this wild life reserve is restricted for conservation reasons. WBTDC organises group tours if someone is unwilling to take any effort to arrange a visit on their own this is the best option.

Just south of Calcutta, Sunderbans is one of the most unique ecosystems in this part of the world. It is dominated by mangrove forests and gets its name from the Sundari (Heritiera foams) trees. Situated at the mouths of the Ganges, Sunderban spreads over 54 islands is part of the world's largest delta region.
The Project Tiger:
This is the home to the only surviving man eating tigers in the world. The tigers in the Sunderbans are extremely aggressive and attack humans.
Project Tiger was implemented in 1973 and later the Sundarban Tiger Reserve was demarcated over 2,585-sq. km. The core area of 1,330 sq.km has been declared a National park and has been chosen as a world heritage site. The reserve has a tiger population of 500(2004 census).
Project Tiger was implemented in 1973 and later the Sundarban Tiger Reserve was demarcated over 2,585-sq. km. The core area of 1,330 sq.km has been declared a National park and has been chosen as a world heritage site. The reserve has a tiger population of 500(2004 census).
How to reach:
The capital of West Bengal, Kolkata, is just 131 km from Sunderbans.The railhead and roadhead closest to Sunderbans Tiger Reserve is Port Canning, which is connected to Kolkata by train. From Port Canning, regular buses go to Sonakhali, Raidighi, Najat and Namkhana, from all of which launches can be hired to tour the waterways of the reserve.
The WBTDC organizes guided tours- mostly of a duration of two or three days, starting and ending at Kolkata. They’re a good way of visiting Sunderbans without some of the adventure which accompanies making your own arrangements, and cost between Rs 1,000 and 3,000.
Where to stay:
SajneKhali the Lodge maintained by the West Bengal Tourism Development Corporationis one of the best options. The Contact Details are as follows.
Sajnekhali Tourist Lodge
Sunderbans, P.O. : Pakhiralaya, P.S. :Gosaba,
Pin-743379, Phone : (03218) 214960,
Mobile : 9732509925
Non-A/C standard Double bedded (South Block)
Sajnekhali Tourist Lodge
Sunderbans, P.O. : Pakhiralaya, P.S. :Gosaba,
Pin-743379, Phone : (03218) 214960,
Mobile : 9732509925
Non-A/C standard Double bedded (South Block)